To offer to vulnerable, distressed and abused persons, in particular women and children; provide compassionate care and empowering spaces to live without fear of violence or oppression from others; to support in finding strength, dignity, and hope for life.

A society in which the vulnerable, distressed or abused are not forsaken, nor their God-given dignity trampled upon; a society in which the love and compassion of Christ are demonstrated through word and deed to others, particularly women and children.
Our work seeks to reflect the heart of Christ through our hearts. Every one of the values stated above is therefore a matter of the heart. The organization has a Statement of Faith which its Board, staff, interns, and volunteers share.
The Ark succeeds through the effots of genuine individuals, offering compassion and care.
Through empathy, The Ark strives to change the lives of clients for the better.
Understanding the trauma of the clientele, we seek to place as little burden on survivors as possible.
We recognize the importance of our work, and we hold ourselves the highest standards.
Anyone who interacts with The Ark should leave with a newfound sense of strength and agency over their lives.
With great power comes great responsibility. Team members are no different, and are bound by the bottom line.
The Ark aspires not just to provide meaningful services, but to do so professionally and with grace.